Value Added Services

April 4, 2024
400000 - 800000 / year

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Job Description

1. To promote and sell maintenance services
a) To convert AMC (Annual Maintenance Contracts) to CMC (Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contracts),
b) Convert non-AMC, CR (Chargeable Repairs), Out of warranty instruments in AMC / CMC
c) To promote PM kits (Preventive Maintenance Kits) to CR and AMC customers
2. To promote and sell Validation services
a. To sell USP (United States Pharmacopeia) / EP (European Pharmacopeia) validations to regulatory customers (Shimadzu and Non-Shimadzu) for UV-Vis spectrophotometers
b. To sell validation services (OQ – Operational Qualification) for Shimadzu GC and GCMS customers
3. To promote and sell Spectroscopy and chromatography consumables to existing Shimadzu and non-Shimadzu customers.
4. To promote rate contracts for Restek GC (Gas Chromatography) capillary columns and Shimadzu GC columns
5. To promote and sell spectroscopy accessories to Shimadzu and Non-Shimadzu customers
6. To promote and sell Gas generators of Peak Scientific
7. To arrange webinars / presentations / seminars at select customers place in regions

Role: Sr. Executive / Asst. Manager
Industry Type: Analytical Industry
Employment Type: Full Time, Permanent
Education: BSc Physics Or Electronics OR Diploma in Electronics / Instrumentation Or Diploma in Analytical Chemistry / BSc Chemistry (Flare for selling). Sales experience of about 2 years in selling (Field job – Not telemarketing)
Work Experience: 4 to 8 years ( E2 to M1 Grade)
Location: Pune, Mumbai (Western Region,), Chennai , Vapi, Hyderabad